Hello Huntington Foxes,
8/11 will be the first day of school! We are happy to have you at Huntington after more than a year of vitual learning. Additionally, it will be a minimum day with a 12:30 dismissal.
All 6th grade students are encouraged to attend the WEB orientation Wednesday, August 11th 12:30-1:30. Lunch is provided for all 6th grade students on the first day of school. Students may bring their lunch if they choose to do so.
More info and welcome back letter: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1kNK5kMeBbc3eRKthTH294UwbriLXkgZ3ISVSSVf4IuQ/edit
Additionally, next will be Welcome Back Spirit Week, more info is on the event post on the home page.
See you there!
